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Why Five1eight Fitness is for me?

Regardless of your age, gender or ability, we can work with you to assess your ability and personal training goals to develop a fitness programme and exercise schedule to suit your daily needs.

Why Five 1 Eight is for me

Five1eight Fitness offers one to one personal training and fitness classes in Lurgan, Craigavon and Portadown

Whether your need is improved fitness, fat loss, increase lean muscle mass or a training programme for a specific sport, Five1eight Fitness provides a tailored personal training schedule to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Our Personal trainers will work with you to develop a training regime designed to your ability, from general fitness to professional sports programmes.

At Five1eight believe in lifestyle goals and changes and not short term fixes!

Why Five1eight is for me? Personal Training - where do I begin?


January - 6 week BOOTCAMP

6 week BOOTCAMP at Centrepoint. Start 2016 with a bang and get those extra Christmas calories off!

3 morning sessions per week Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6.15am-7am

Plus the BIGGEST WINNER, who loses the most weight/body fat, will receive a full refund.  

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The 100 day challenge

Five1eight Fitness 100 day challenge is a Fat Loss fitness programme designed for anyone regardless of age, gender, or fitness levels who may previously have struggling to get in shape and reach their goals.

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The 51" Box Jump!

I've had people ask in the past about my speed and how has it improved over the years in my sport and I firmly believe that from the specific progressive strength programme that I have designed to help develop my overall strength and power has had a big part to play in it.

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Five1eight Social

Five1eight Fitness now on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!

Five1eight Fitness has always tailored your personal fitness needs while at the gym. Now you can choose your social media channel to keep up to date with news, fitness tips, fitness classes and more. You can even share your personal training achievements!

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Personal training, personal fitness classes and  exercise programmes

Start your fitness journey

A lot of people with good intentions to start their fitness journey and the hope to achieve their goals. Here are just a few tips to keep in mind to help you along to succeed with your fitness journey ...

  • Adjust and work accordingly, do things bit by bit and tweak your diet and training weekly and try to improve. This is we're a lot of people go wrong with their New Years Resolutions don't bore yourself with plain salads and running on treadmill for endless hours. Take a flexible approach to your training, weight training (male and female), conditioning training and also your diet to find out what works best for you!
  • Try to achieve something that you've haven't done before. For example a lot of women don't lift weights because they think they will "get bulky" which isn't the case, so try something new wether it be weight training, different conditioning training approaches or it may even be a simple meal plan that works for you.
  • Focus on the short term goals and don't look to far ahead. Set weekly short term goals and smash them each week, this could be to lift that extra kilo in your deadlift or do them extra few reps in your circuit. Keep your eyes on the short term goal and don't get carried away. Remember to get the results you want it's a Long Term process. Be Patient!
  • As I touched on in the first tip about getting bored, this is a common factor why people won't succeed with their goals so I recommend to change your training around, try something new and don't get sucked to the same routine. Find out what work best with you and your lifestyle.

These tips can also work with those advanced gym goers out there also, so just keep these in mind and keep your eye on the end goal! Good luck and feel free to post your fitness journeys to me as I also get inspired by others successes.


Personal training

Fitness classes





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Five 1 Eight Fitness

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