  • five1eigth fitness
  • five1eigth fitness
  • five1eigth fitness


Five 1 Eight Youtube Channel

Check out the Five 1 Eight Fitness Youtube channel. Here are some of our videos.

  • 51" box jump

    51 box jump 200x200

    Ruairi Grimes of Five 1 Eight Fitness performs a 51" box jump.

    I've had people ask in the past about my speed and how has it improved over the years in my sport and I firmly believe that from the specific progressive strength program that i have designed to help develop my overall strength and power has had a big part to play in it. Here is my 1 rep 51" box jump working on my lower body power, landing not 100% but something to work on! I think box jumps are a great exercise to work on someone's lower body power and strength to take into their sport.
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    Five 1 Eight Youtube Channel

  • My lower body power session

    Lower body power session

    Ruairi Grimes of Five 1 Eight Fitness performs his lower body power session.

    The routine comprises 5 sets of 5

    • Barbell Front Squat
    • Romanian Deadlifts
    • Barbell Alternative Lunges
    • Kettlebell Swings
    • Kettlebell Swings
    • Box Jumps

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    Five 1 Eight Youtube Channel


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