  • five1eigth fitness
  • five1eigth fitness
  • five1eigth fitness

The 100 Day Challenge

Five1eight Fitness 100 day challenge is a Fat Loss programme designed for anyone regardless of age, gender, or fitness levels who may previously have struggling to get in shape and reach their goals. In the 100 day challenge we aim to help you drop that excess body fat, get fitter and get in shape by exercising daily and making the right choices nutritionally and reaching your goals each week.

The 100 day challenge will be broken into 4 phases and you will receive your workouts and nutrition guide via email at the start of each phase. At the end of each phase you will also be assessed with body composition measurements and weight to gauge progress. Training and nutrition will be adjusted accordingly.

*You will be expected to stick to the nutrition guide which will be flexible for the full 100 days! *You will be expected to train every day, with lower intensity days added in! *You will be expected to cut out junk food and alcohol! *Finally some good news, you will be expected to get results each week!

We want RESULTS! So, if you don't think you can do this week in week out for 100days your beat!

Phase 1 will be "HIIT" (high intensity interval training). This will be your foundation of fitness and you will aim to get better by beating your previous time, doing more reps or rounds depending on your goals and variation of exercise. You will be working no longer than 15-20 minutes in each session.

Phase 2 "build it". You have now dropped body fat it's now time to build that better body. Within this phase you will be lifting weights and building that lean muscle mass in order to change your body composition (shape) which will allow you to get stronger, leaner, look better and feel better within yourself. You will be working no longer than 55-60 minutes in each session. **Remember the more muscle mass we have the more calories we burn ;).

Phase 3 "stick with it" were results are with you and it's time to sustain what you have achieved in the previous phases. We will incorporate both of the previous phases together by completing 3 full body weight lifting sessions a week along with HIIT sessions on separate days. Depending on the session you will be working no longer than 15-20 minutes on HIIT days and 55-60 minutes on your weight session days.

Phase 4 "Maintain" you have gained results and knowledge on how you have got to this point so it's now time to continue exercising better, eating better and see how easy it is. You will receive your final routine which will help you maintain the results you have achieved!

What 100 day challenge offers:

  • 4 phase exercise programs
  • Nutrition guide
  • Continual Online support
  • Option of one to one Personal Training (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info).

You will carry out this program in your own time 7 days a week. Don't worry if you have any plans or holidays we can plan your training and nutrition around it, be sure to add this into your email when signing up.

Note: any queries for additional one to one sessions for this program feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Price - £100 limited to 10 spaces, Apply via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tags: Fitness Programmes, Fitness programmes the 100 Day Challenge


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