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Five 1 Eight <span class="highlight">Social</span>

Five1eight Fitness now on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube! Five1eight Fitness has always tailored your fitness needs while at the gym. Now you can choose your social media channel to keep up to date with ...

Five1eight Fitness website launched!

... or to contact me directly using our contact form. To complement the website, check out what we are doing on our social media channels, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Share our content Each of ...

Cookie Policy

... functioning properly. You can learn more about cookies at this link We have links within to the social networking websites Twitter and Facebook. These websites may place cookies ...


...  Now you can select the style "Capture" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideset Social Icons Use the modifier .uk-icon-button class to create an icon button. Here is a little code example ...

Personal training

Fitness classes





Five1eight Social

Five 1 Eight Fitness